Exchange Rates in Oman

Get the currency transfer rates of all currencies from all exchanges in Oman at a single place and compare to choose the best rate. If you want to know accurate exchange rates in Oman, you can depend on Arablocal Oman. Our information sources are strong and reliable. We believe in giving accurate information about exchange rates and many other aspects about local businesses in Oman. No matter whether you want to know OMR to INR, OMR to PHP, OMR to PKR, OMR to BDT, OMR to LKR exchange rate or other currency rates, our exchange rates table will help you arrive at the best decision. We keep on updating our site to provide up to date information for our customers. You can rely on Arablocal Oman to know about Oman exchange rate. You can easily access all required information about Exchange Rates in Oman through our website.

Disclaimer - Live Exchange Rates may differ from Last Updated, please confirm the exact rate with Currency Exchange Provider before doing a Transaction.

“Rates are Indicative Subjective to Change, Arablocal Oman is not responsible for any rate changes”

Asian Currencies
Lulu Exchange --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Dec 21, 11:42 AM
Unimoni Exchange --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Dec 07, 12:37 PM
Global Money Exchange --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Dec 17, 04:52 PM
Musandam Exchange 215.60 143.07 306.00 728.00 836.00 --- --- Jan 04, 12:50 PM
Aljadeed Exchange 216.00 143.80 313.00 726.00 837.00 345.45 39699.87 Jan 04, 12:57 PM
Wasel Exchange --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Nov 30, 11:51 AM
Joyalukkas Exchange 215.86 143.83 284.03 726.04 830.05 345.45 38959.02 Jan 04, 01:09 PM
Modern Exchange 215.85 143.78 313.03 726.00 830.01 --- --- Jan 04, 12:53 PM
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