Muscat Municipality Changes Parking Timings
Category: General

The Muscat Municipality has announced a change in the free parking timings coinciding with the lock down period which started on Sunday, October 11, 2020.
“We draw the attention of the general public that the collection of parking fees is changed and the paid parking areas will be activated from October 11 to 24,” a statement from the civic authority noted.
Accordingly, the payable parking time in the morning begins at 8am and will be over by 1pm. This was from 9am till 1 before the present lockdown.
The evening paid parking timings will begin at 4pm instead of 5pm till 6. 30pm instead of 9pm.
“Free parking timings needed to be adjusted in accordance with the and the closure of all public places and shops, which is part of the 15 day lockdown,” a source at the revenue department at the civic body told the Observer.



12 Oct, 2020 0 3380
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