Renew The Visas Through The Website Of Royal Oman Police
Category: General

All residents can renew their visas online through the Royal Oman Police (ROP) website.

Speaking exclusively to Times of Oman, a senior ROP official also confirmed that no fines will be collected for the delay. The decision comes after ROP temporarily suspended its services due to the coronavirus outbreak in the country.

“There are exceptions for all residents who are staying within the Sultanate during this current situation. They can easily renew the visas through the website of Royal Oman Police. The residency visa renewal process does not require the seal of ROP,” he said.

Tourists can extend visa online
According to the official, the online renewal system is also applicable to those residents who are currently outside the country. “There are many residents who are staying outside the country because of the airport closure. They can also renew the visas online. However, we advise them to do it after the travel ban is lifted. There will be no fines for the delay,” he confirmed.

Meanwhile, the official also said tourist visas can also be extended through the ROP website.

“All tourists in the Sultanate can extend their tourist visas through the website of the Royal Oman Police,” he added.



05 Apr, 2020 0 5375
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