No Need Of No Objection Certificate (NOC) In Oman For Switching Jobs
Category: General

You heard is right that Sultanate of Oman plans to vanish its NOC rule which is used by employers to exploit and torture those expatriates want to change their job.

The news comes from leading english newspaper of Oman, Times of Oman which states top government employee said that we were seriously interested in removal of NOC option a pre-requisite to change job in Oman. We want to make labor laws more flexible to attract more investors in Oman.

The governement employee is Said Bin Nasser Al Saadi which is advisor to the minister of Manpower. His exact words are:
We will remove the NOC option. It will be removed. The plan is being considered seriously,”…

If NOC is scraped than this may help many expatriates especially South Asian from Pakistan and India. As if they want to change job they need NOC otherwise without NOC they have to face Travel Ban to Oman

This NOC rule was implemented on 2014 july in which expatriates who doesn’t like their job and want to get new job in Oman need No Objection Certificate his Current employer. Without NOC if any expatriate goes back to his home country and want to come back for new job will not enter in Oman for 2 years until the Ban is lifted.

07 Jun, 2020 0 4696
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